Working From Home or Self Isolated
As a result of the Covid-19 outbreak, many of you are working from home, or have been required to self isolate for 14 days. While you are at home, you have the opportunity to participate and interact with club members.
Keep an eye out on your back yard or front yard, and make note of significant sighting at your home. Because we can’t get together and share our sightings, we can share these here. Simply report your sightings, and send along any photos to and these will be shared with Club members.
Check this page frequently, to see what is happening in our backyards and hear how people are coping with the Coronavirus Outbreak.
April 27
Peter Zammit . . .
I have attached photo of bird we have spotted on our daily walks. looks like a white House Sparrow but does not have red eyes.
thanks for all the great information and the bird quiz”
April 20
Graham Bowden . . .
“We sighted a tagged swan M50 in a storm water pond in Cheltenham on April 20. The pond is in a new subdivision where the rail trail crosses Creditview Road. We reported the sighting to the Wye Marsh group. They advise it was a female released in 2018 in Burlington.”
April 03
John Beaudette in Brookville . . .
While watching the bird feeders and keeping track of all the birds visiting for the HNPNC Spring Birding Challenge, I noticed a hawk on the ground with his wings partially spread, as though he was covering up something. After consulting our Vice-President Ian Jarvie, he confirmed it was an immature Cooper’s Hawk “mantling” to protect its prey. I later discovered what the Hawk had captured was a bird. After plucking some of the feathers, the hawk flew off with its prey.
March 28
Peter Bailey in Brampton . . .
“This morning at 6:30 from our 27th floor high above Brampton’s downtown I could hear Robins for the first time this Spring. Our pair of Peregrine Falcon are being more active. The larger female is making routine sweeps around the upper floors of our building. We’ve also see her a good 50 meters above our building sort of just hovering in the same spot by using the prevailing NW winds and keeping an eye on the situation from that perspective. We’ve also seen the male fly out from their nest perch and meet up with another [competing ?] male a good 100 meters out from our building and they both do a interaction with each other almost like an acrobatic ballet as they tumble about what appears to be playing but could be a display of their prowess for the ever observant female. It last for about 10 minutes before they both fly off in different directions.
March 28
Gloria Hildebrandt
“On March 28 for the first time this year, I heard two Chorus Frogs calling to each other in the swamp, one near where I sat and the other far away. I’m always happy when they have survived the winter.”
On March 27 in Niagara Region I saw about 10 Turkey Vultures in a kettle in the sky.
March 28
Jamie Marchant in Georgetown . . .
“I just spotted the fox outside my front window. It was on the right side of the street and then waited for a gap in the traffic (a lot of those these days) and then crossed to the right side. It then
walked down the sidewalk on the right side, I ran to get my camera and things on and when I opened the front door it was gone.
(it wants to go to the library LOL)”