
Check here often for upcoming outings.

Mothing in Speyside

Friday, July 12
Leader: Fiona Reid
8:30 p.m.

Mothing and caterpillaging in Speyside

Fiona will host an event on her property, looking for moths at
 – lights
 – bait
 – flowers,
and also searching for caterpillars using UV flashlights.
You will need a flashlight, mosquito protection (repellent, long sleeves, etc) and a camera or cell phone.
Sunset is around 9 p.m., so plan to
arrive around 8:45 – 9:00.
We usually keep going until midnight, but you can leave when you wish.
Please RSVP Fiona – fiona.reid7243@gmail.com

Dragonfly Count

Saturday, July 13
Rain date July 14
10:00 a.m.
Leader: Pedro Pereyra

Come and count Odonates (dragonflies and damselflies)
at Wilfred Crozier Nature Reserve(WCNR)
this Saturday July 13th, rain date Sunday July 14th.
WCNR is the Ontario Nature Reserve stewarded by our club.
Come and see the meadows and count the passing dragonflies!
The reserve is situated off Regional Road (Highway) 25,
halfway between Milton and Acton.
We will meet at the base of St. Helena Road at 10 am.
Please confirm with Pedro Pereyra at: fragenviron@gmail.com or
call 905-320-7808.
Pedro will email map and tally table along with instructions.

  • Watch for more adventures and outings to come
  • Saturday Adventure Walks
  • Summer weekly Monday Night Walks.


Outdoor Event Questions?

Contact Don Scallen at dscallen@cogeco.ca

Note: For liability reasons, you must be a fully paid member of the Halton North Peel Naturalist Club, and you must have our registration form completed,  to participate in our field outings. Please join!


Don’t miss out on the fun!

We have one or more outings every month throughout the year, guided by the most experienced naturalists in our club. The outings will be fairly casual affairs, meaning… you won’t have a lot of advance notice. We’ll announce the details at each meeting, often along the lines of “hey I’m going out to do/see this next weekend, anyone want to come?”

We’ll follow-up with a club email, and post the details here, on Facebook, and on Twitter.

If you can’t make a club meeting, make sure you  sign up for our newsletter to stay in the loop.


Past Field Trips

  • Oct 10 – Forks of the Credit PP BirdBox Monitoring
  • Oct 12 – Scotsdale Farm BirdBox Monitoring
  • Nov 11 – Late-Flowering Plants Survey
  • Nov 19 – Hawk Cliff Outing
  • 2023

  • May 20 – Snakes
  • May 13 – Migrating Songbirds
  • Apr 15 – Winter Ducks on Lake Ontario
  • Apr 11 – Salamander Walk
  • Mar 18 – Early Migrant Birds
  • Dec 17 – Owl Prowl
  • Nov 15 – Pelagic Birds Outing
  • Oct 15 – Seedy Saturday Native Plant seed exchange and sharing
  • Sep 11 – Birding trip to Guelph correctional ponds
  • May 15 – Spring Birding and Warbler Watching
  • May 14 – Brampton Festival of Birds – “Big Sit”
  • May 12 – Wildflowers and Wildlife in Speyside
  • March – Salamander watch.
  • Jan 23 – Animal tracks in the snow
  • Jan 12 – Winter Birds of the North
  • 2022

  • Mar 21 – Winter Tree Identification and Nature Walk
  • Mar 14 – Tundra Swans at Long Point
  • Feb 16 – Snowy Owls
  • 2020
  • Dec 27 – Christmas Bird Count
  • Nov 17 – Late Flowering Plants Survey
  • Nov 2 – Woody vegetation removal FCPP
  • Oct 1 – Nest Box Cleaning at Forks of the Credit
    Provincial Park
  • Sep 29 – Nest Box Cleaning at Scotsdale Farm
  • Sep 27 – Duck Identification and Bird Walk at Scotch Block.
  • Sep 14 – Mothing and Caterpillars
  • Jun 11 – Birdbox Monitoring at Scotsdale Farm
  • May 25 – A Pollinator and Biodiversity Workshop
  • May 19 – Spring Birding at Thickson Wood, Lynde Shores Conservation Area and Cranberry Marsh
  • May 4 – Community Nature Walk and Clean Up
  • April 22 – Timberdoodles Scotsdale Farm
  • April 13 – Beamer Conservation AreaHawkwatch, Grimsby
  • March 16 – Tundra Swans at Long Point
  • March 3 – Animal Tracking at Terra Cotta Conservation
  • February 23 – Animal Tracking at Terra Cotta Conservation
  • January 13 – Winter Trees and Birds in the Hand
  • January 6 – Snowy Owls, Snow Buntings and Other Winter Songbirds
  • 2019
  • December 27 – Christmas Bird Count
  • November 11 – Survey of late blooming plants.
  • October 28 – Bird Box Cleaning at Scotsdale Farm
  • October 21 – Norway Maple removal at Silver Creek
    Conservation Area
  • October 14 – Bird Box Cleaning at Forks of the Credit
    Provincial Park
  • September 30 – Bird Box Cleaning at Scotsdale Farm
  • September 15 – Group Litter Pick Up in Georgetown
  • September 8 -Mothing at Fiona Reid’s Niagara Escarpment property
  • July 21 – Dragonflies with David D’Entremont
  • July 21 – Mothapaooza in Speyside
  • June 23/24 – Outing to Carden Alvar
  • June 16 – Moths, caterpillars, frogs and other creatures of the night
  • May 20 – Spring Birding at Thickson Wood, Lynde Shores Conservation Area and Cranberry Marsh
  • May 12 – World Migratory Bird Day
  • May 5 – Woodland wildflowers and early-arriving birds
  • April 22 – Bird Box Installation at Forks of the Credit Provincial Park
  • April 21 – Beamer Conservation Area Hawkwatch
  • April 20 – Woodcocks at Forks of the Credit Provincial Park
  • April 13 – Salamanders at Silver Creek Education Centre
  • March 17 – Tundra Swans at Long Point
  • February 17 – Owls at Claireville Conservation Area
  • January 28 – Winter Bird Outing for Snowy Owls
  • 2018

serving Brampton, Georgetown, Milton, Acton & surrounding areas

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