Bird Feeders at Georgetown Hospital

By Don Scallen –

I’ve spent a lot of time recently at the Georgetown Hospital, visiting my mother who suffered a broken pelvis on December 1st. Looking out the windows of the various rooms she’s occupied, it occurred to me that a strategically placed bird feeder or two could be a pleasant diversion for bed-bound patients.

birdfeeder-donThe hospital management heartily endorsed my proposal to install the feeders. I purchased two feeders along with poles and squirrel baffles from Wild Birds Unlimited in Guelph. Manager Richard Tofflemire generously offered a large discount on the total cost after I explained the project. He also provided two 20kg bags of seed and a carton of suet cakes at no cost.

Sandy Gillians and I erected the feeders just prior to Christmas. They now await discovery by the neighbourhood birds.

I’ll maintain the feeders throughout the winter and then likely remove them as the voracious grackles return in early spring. I’ll re-install them next fall. Both feeders are currently placed fairly close together in the hospital’s courtyard. One may eventually be relocated to another area of the hospital grounds.

Our club executive has agreed to help pay for these feeders, with money from membership fees. They are ours to celebrate.

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